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0 AM REVENIT PE SUNPHOTO0 COLECTIA MEA DE TRANDAFIRI   A COLECTIA MEA DE TRANDAFIRI ENGLEZESTI      1 ENGLISH ROSES bred by DAVID AUSTIN plantati in 2012 si 2013         A Shropshire Lad         Abraham Darby         Alan Titchmarsh         Ambridge Rose         Benjamin Britten         Brother Cadfael         Christopher Marlow         Corvedale         Cottage Rose         Crocus Rose         Crown Princess Margereta 2014         Eglantyne         Evelyn         Falstaff         Gentle Hermione         Gertrude Jekyll         Golden Celebration         Grace         Graham Thomas         Harlow Carr         Heritage         Heritage 2012         James Galway         Jubilee Celebration         Jude The Obscure         L D Braithwaite         Lady Emma Hamilton         Leander         MAID MARION         Mary Rose         Molineux         Munstead Wood 2         Pat Austin         Pegasus         Princess Alexandra of Kent         Queen of Sweden         Scepter d Isle         Sophie s Rose         St Swithun         Summer Song         Sweet Juliet         Teasing Georgia         Tess of the D Urbervilles         The Alnwick Rose         The Dark Lady         The Generous Gardener         The Pilgrim         The Wedgwood Rose         William Morris         William Shakespeare 2000         Winchester Cathedral         Wollerton Old Hall   B COLECTIA MEA DE TRANDAFIRI ISTORICI      1 TRANDAFIRI VECHI PLANTATI IN ANII TRECUTI         AMERICAN PILLAR         BELLE VICHYSOISE aka CORNELIE         BUFF BEAUTY         Commandant Beaurepaire         CORNELIA         GHISLAINE DE FELIGONDE         GLOIRE DE DIJON         GRUSS AN AACHEN         HENRY MARTIN         ISPAHAN         Leveson Goer         MADAME ISAAC PEREIRE         MME LOUISE ODIER         MME PIERRE OGER         Neidentificat din butas         PAUL S HIMALAYAN MUSK         Paul Transon         Rosa Damascena         SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON CL         ZEPHIRINE DROUHIN      2 TRANDAFIRI ISTORICI ACHIZITIONATI IN 2014 DE LA RADOSLAV PETROVIC         ALBA ROSES         Alba Semi Plena         BOURBON ROSES         CENTIFOLIA ROSES         Wretham Rose         CHINA ROSES         CLIMBER ROSES         DAMASK ROSES         GALLICA ROSES         HISTORIC TEA HYBRIDS         HYBRID MUSKS         Trier         HYBRID PERPETUALS         Henry Nevard         MOSSES         NOISETTES         OLD FLORIBUNDAS         POLYANTHAS         PORTLANDS         RAMBLERS         RUGOSAS         SPINOSISSIMAS         TRANDAFIRI VECHI IN IMAGINI PROVIZORIU   C COLECTIA MEA DE TRANDAFIRI DIN DIVERSE CLASE MODERNE      Alain Souchon      Alphonse Daudet      Baby Romantica 2      BABY ROMANTICA 3      Baby Romantica Climber      Billet Doux      BLUSH RAMBLER      Bonica 82      CANDY LAND      Carte d Or      Centenaure de Lourdes White      Chartreuse de Parme      CHEWALIBABA      Coral Dawn      Crimson Glory Cl      Dee Dee Bridgewater      Dortmund      Dune      EDEN ROSE sau Pierre de Ronsard      Elle      Eric Tabarly aka Rouge Eden Rose      Escapade      EYES FOR YOU      Flora Romantica      FRAGEZEICHEN      Friesia      Golden Showers      Grimaldi      High Hopes      Ilse Krohn      Innocentia      Jasmina      Julia Child aka Absolutely Fabulous      LAVENDER DREAM      Lovely Fair      Mango Romantica      MASSAD Versigny      Mind Games      Monica      Neidentificat      Neidentificat 1      Neidentificat 2      Neidentificat ciclam      NEIDENTIFICAT GRENA      NEIDENTIFICAT mov deschis      New Dawn      Nina Weibull      NO NAME      NOVALIS      Palais Royale aka Blanc Pierre de Ronsard or White Eden      Pascali      PAUL S SCARLET climber      Pepita      Perla de Alcanada      PHYLLIS BIDE      Purple Skyliner      RED BALLERINA      Rhapsody in Blue      Rosarium Uetersen      SUPER EXCELSA      THE FAIRY      The McCartney Rose      Tradition 95      Uetersener Klosterrose      Wild Rover0 TRANDAFIRII MEI AN DUPA AN   b TRANDAFIRII MEI IN 20144 FOTOGRAFIE   JOC CU PICATURILE DE PLOAIE   MACRO      MACRO II7 CALATORIIA1 COLECTIA DE TRANDAFIRIACHIZITII TOAMNA 2015   0 1a BUJORI   0 1b Trandafiri pentru 2015 achizitionati de la Tuincentrum Lottum HollandAM LASAT TRANDAFIRII SA SPUNA POVESTI   AM LASAT TRANDAFIRII SA SPUNA POVESTI 2      AM LASAT TRANDAFIRII SA SPUNA POVESTI 3AZI IN GRADINACE SE INTAMPLA DOCTORECRACIUN FERICITDAVID GARRETT   Niccolo PaganiniGRADINA MEAGRADINA MEA IN 2015   TRANDAFIRI 2015 I      TRANDAFIRI 2015 II         TRANDAFIRI 2015 III         TRANDAFIRI 2015 IVGradina mea in 2016   Primavara 2016   TRANDAFIRI 2016      TRANDAFIRI 2016 IIHomemade Natural SoapLANG LANGPOETICAPROVIZORIURASARIT DE SOARE LA MAMAIASA NU PATITI CA MINESCHIMB DE BUTASI NEINRADACINATISELFIESVanzari diverseX diverse 6 septembriex Home sweet home   Iarna in curteX POEME VIZUALE

membru din 19 mai 2012


(Ferndale Red China shown)

Twiggy, smooth-wooded plants that seemingly put flowers out of every joint and crevice. Most are compact and short to moderate growers. Flowers come in white, pink, and a hundred shades of cherry crimson, the colors intensifying with passing days. A few, bearing Tea rose blood, are shaded with apricot and yellow. In introducing our "Mystery" Chinas, we would do well to warn the collector that we merely pass these on as they come to us, trying to avoid what appear to be obvious duplicates. Even those red and pink Chinas which we offer with "official" names may not be what they are believed to be. Nonetheless, this group of roses is so exceptional in the garden, and there are such charming variations, we cannot recommend them too highly!
Chinas are very twiggy growers which seem capable of putting new growth on from any given point on the plant, and can have dormant growth buds between leaves, on peduncles, even at the base of old flowers. Nearly every new growth ends in flower, hence the exceptionally continuous flowering of Chinas.

We recognize three principal types;
1) the old monthly rose group, like Old Blush, which are more upright and open than the red Chinas,
2) the red Chinas like White Pearl in Red Dragon's Mouth, which form a dense intercrossing mass of light wood and are often more wide than tall, and
3) the more upright open spreading Chinas which can get quite tall, to 7' or more, like Mutabilis.

Comentarii album • 9

Florina 22 noiembrie 2014  
Cecile Brunner imi facuse si mie cu ochiul !
Răspunde Raportează
Primula 22 noiembrie 2014  
Trandafirii astia cred ca sunt ceva mai sensibili! La mine la tara e cu cateva grade mai racoare decat in gradina de acasa. Cred ca in sudul tarii se simt ceva mai bine decat la munte. O sa-ti spun exact ce si cum dupa ce isi fac prima iarna dupa plantare.
Răspunde Raportează
Florina 23 noiembrie 2014  
Hermosa pare un fel de Coral Dawn mai deschis la culoare...
Despre Cecile se spune sa nu-l plantezi daca stai intr-un sat mic ca-l va acoperi cu totul !
Răspunde Raportează
Primula 23 noiembrie 2014  
Da, si eu am remarcat asemanarea dintre Hermosa si Coral Dawn. La Cecile Brunner nici nu am gasit dimensiunile, probabil variaza si in functie de conditiile de mediu in care este plantat.
Răspunde Raportează
scirlatgby 31 iulie 2014  
Cred si eu ca ii tii ... Sunt asa frumosi...
Răspunde Raportează
Primula 31 iulie 2014  
Nu-ti imaginezi cat timp am pierdut cu selectia lor! Si inca imi mai zic ca ar fi trebuit sa-l iau pe "celalalt" nu pe "asta". O sa mai schimb cu voi, care-i aveti, (sper cel putin...)
Răspunde Raportează
scirlatgby 31 iulie 2014  
Hm! E greu sa gasesti la noi ce nu ai tu...
Răspunde Raportează
Primula 1 august 2014  
Ba da, aveti multe frumuseti pe care eu nu le am si ma bucur!
Răspunde Raportează
scirlatgby 4 septembrie 2014  
As vrea eu sa-ti doresti ceva de la mine...
Răspunde Raportează
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